Step 1 – Install Node.js

First, you need to node.js ppa in our system provide by the nodejs official website. We also need to install python-software-properties package if not installed already. After adding required PPA file. Let’s install Nodejs package. NPM will also be installed with node.js. This command will also install many other dependent packages on your system.

Step 2 – Install MongoDB Server

You also need to MongoDB database server on your system. Use following set of commands to install the latest version of MongoDB server. Adding MongoDB PPA to your system. Now update apt cache and install MongoDB database server.

Step 3 – Download and Setup Parse Server

Now download example Parse server files provided by the Parse community developers. Now run following commands to install all nodejs dependencies. Now edit index.js files and update APP_ID, MASTER_KEY and if required SERVER_URL as following. Use any random string for APP_ID and MASTER_KEY for test your setup. After making above changes run your parse server using the following command.

Step 4 – Test Parse Server

As your Parse server installation has been successfully completed. Do some tests to make sure it’s running. First add some values to Parse server using curl command line tool. This will connect to parse server and records will be saved to MongoDB database. Change myAppId with your defined process.env.APP_ID in index.js. Result: Now use following command to fetch values from Parse server. Result:


You have successfully installed and configured parse server on your system. Let’s setup Parse Dashboard to access Parse server data.