Delete Last Few Commits from Local Git Repo

To delete the last 5 commits from a Github repository, you can use the git rebase command as follows:

Delete Commits from Remote Repository Too

Remove the dropped commits from the remote repository. Push the changes forcefully to the remote repository. Keep in mind that deleting commit history is a destructive operation, as it permanently removes commits from the repository. It is generally not recommended to delete commit history unless it is absolutely necessary.


Deleting the last few commits from a Git repository is a relatively simple process that can be completed in a few steps. By following the instructions outlined in this guide, you should have no trouble removing the last few commits from a repository. It is important to keep in mind that the process of deleting commits in a Git repository is irreversible, so make sure you are confident in your decisions before you proceed. With the right approach, you can successfully delete the last few commits from a Git repository.

How to delete last 5 commits from Git Repository   TecAdmin - 20How to delete last 5 commits from Git Repository   TecAdmin - 43