The most common use case for HDFS is storing large collections of data such as image and video files, logs, sensor data, and so on.

Creating Directory Structure with HDFS

The “hdfs” command line utility is available under ${HADOOP_HOME}/bin directory. Assuming that the Hadoop bin directory is already included in PATH environment variable. Now log in as a HADOOP user and follow the instructions.

Changing File Permissions with HDFS

You can also change the files ownerships as well as permission in the HDFS file system.

To change the file owner and group owner use the -chown command line option:hdfs dfs -chown -R $HADOOP_USER:$HADOOP_USER /Users/hadoop To change the file permission use the -chmod command line options.hdfs dfs -chmod -R 775 /Users/hadoop

Copying Files to HDFS

The hdfs command provides -get and -put parameters to copy files to/from the HDFS file system.

For example, to copy a single file from local to HDFS file system:hdfs dfs -put ~/testfile.txt /var/log/ Copy multiple files as are directory tree using the wildcard characters.hdfs dfs -put ~/log/* /var/log/

Listing Files in HDFS

While working with the Hadoop cluster, you can view files under the HDFS file system via the command line as well as GUI.

Use the -ls option with hdfs to list files in the HDFS file system. For example to list all files on the root directory use:hdfs dfs -ls / The same command can be used to list files from subdirectories as well.hdfs dfs -ls /Users/hadoop You should get the following output:List files in HDFS Rather than the command line, Hadoop also provides a graphical explorer to view, download and upload files easily. Browse the HDFS file system on the NameNode port at the following URL:http://localhost:9870/explorer.htmlBrowse files in HDFS


HDFS also supports a range of other applications such as MapReduce jobs processing large volumes of data as well as user authentication and access control mechanisms. HDFS can also be combined with other distributed file systems like S3 and Swift to create hybrid cloud solutions that combine high availability and low latency with low-cost storage. List files in HDFS Browse files in HDFS In this article, you have learned about creating a directory structure in the HDFS file system, changing permissions, and copying and listing files with HDFS.

Creating Directory In HDFS And Copy Files  Hadoop    TecAdmin - 73Creating Directory In HDFS And Copy Files  Hadoop    TecAdmin - 64