That’s a lot of features for a low price. But are these suitcase record players any good? is: ReviewMeta specifies that its analyses are only estimates.
My Personal Experience
I purchased two Victrola Bluetooth Stereo turntables in Turquoise and Cobalt Blue for my kids. They looked great, but that’s about the only good thing I can say about them. The sound was pretty good, not up to audiophile standards but an audiophile wouldn’t purchase cheap equipment, to begin with. The problem we had with both players was the records skipping. And that was from the get-go. Some records were worse than others, but they all skipped. And all the vinyl records we used were brand new. We tested seven new albums on both players, and every single one skipped multiple times. I tried replacing the needles. That didn’t fix the issue. I tried placing them on sturdy surfaces, and still, they skipped. I bought these Victrolas from Currently, this record player has 4.4 stars with 478 five-star reviews and only 51 one-star reviews. That’s why I felt so confident in my purchases. I also watched YouTube reviews and the records played just fine. Several negative reviewers on the Best Buy website complained about skipping issues, but there were enough glowing reviews that I took the chance of buying two. And neither one played properly. Records can skip for many reasons and having a low-quality record player is one. Another problem with these suitcase turntables is that they have to be played with the lid open, which means dust gets all over records as they play. – Maybe I was unlucky with my purchases, and I just happened to get two defective turntables. Many people seem to have good experiences with their suitcase players. If you decide to take a chance and buy one, make sure you test it thoroughly during the return window. If it’s a gift, give a gift receipt to the recipient. That way, if there are issues, the record player can be returned. If you don’t want to take a chance on a cheap record player, be prepared to pay quite a bit more. The Audio-Technica brand is frequently recommended as a good beginner turntable. The Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-GM retails for $99, but it doesn’t come with speakers, so its true cost is higher. If you want Bluetooth capability, the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-WH Fully Automatic Bluetooth Belt-Drive Stereo Turntable retails for $149. Again, it doesn’t come with speakers, but since it has Bluetooth capabilities, there is a wide range of speakers to choose from. I bought two of these record players with Bluetooth speakers, and all the records we have that skipped on the suitcase players work perfectly.
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This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2020 LT Wright